rooms, room rates

hotel rooms of the 933-egge
hotel Altmuhl River valley are antique and individually furnished, so that every hotel
guest finds his favorite room.
Room offer
- 33 beds
- 4 single bedrooms
- 11 double bedrooms / suites (among these, 7 rooms are
suitable as three-bedroom and 4 rooms are suitable as four-bedroom)
All hotel rooms are without TV.
View towards the Altmuhl River valley to Riedenburg and towards the
Altmuhl River The "Von-Echter" bedroom, the "Princess" bedroom, the
"Duke's" bedroom and the "Turmuhren" bedroom all have view towards the
Altmuhl River valley.

For 1 person:
Single bedroom Papagena room
or Burgen-Turm room for 1 person, with
telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 1 person, per night
room rates
Single bedroom St.
Georgs canopy room for 1 person, (canopy bed length 180 cm, width 95
cm), with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 1 person,
per night
rates. The canopy bed is not
for 2 people. Large single bedroom
Fontainebleau room for 1 person, with original old furniture from
castle palace Fontainebleau in France, telephone, shower and private toilet, including
breakfast buffet for 1 person, per night
room rates
For 2 adults and children up to 17 years:
Small double bedroom (about 14 sqm)
Kupferstich-Zimmer for 2 people, with telephone, shower and private toilet, including
breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates. No extra bed possible.
Small double bedroom (about
14 sqm) Bauern-Zimmer for 2 people, with telephone, bathroom with
and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates. No extra bed possible.
Double bedroom (about 25 sqm)
Max-von-Bassus room for 2 people, with telephone, bathroom with
bathtub and private toilet, including breakfast
buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates. No extra bed possible.
Double bedroom (about 25 sqm)
Louis XVI room for 2 people, with telephone,
shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates. No extra bed possible.
Double bedroom (about 25 sqm)
Turmuhren room (with Altmuhl
River view) or von-Echter room
(with Altmuhl River view) for 2 people, with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast
buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates
Double bedroom (about 25 sqm)
Prinzessinnen-Zimmer (Princess bedroom) (with
Altmuhl river view) for 2 people, with telephone, shower
and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates
Large double bedroom (about
30 sqm) Turmfalken-Zimmer (kestrel bedroom)
(with Altmuhl river view)
for 2 people, with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast
buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates
Large double bedroom (about
30 sqm)
Furstenzimmer (Prince's bedroom) (with
Altmuhl River view) or
Renaissance-Zimmer (Renaissance
bedroom) (with
Altmuhl river view) for 2 people
(about 45 m²), with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for
2 people, per night
rates Family suite (about 45 sqm, with 2
bedrooms) for 2 people, with telephone, bathroom with
and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates
Biedermeier suite (about 45
sqm, Nosegay suite with parlor and bedroom) for 2 people, with
telephone, bathroom with bathtub and private
toilet, including breakfast buffet for 2 people, per night
room rates
For 3 adults and children from 6 to 17 years:
Three bedroom Turmuhren-Zimmer
(with Altmuhl River view) or von-Echter room
Altmuhl River view) for 3 people,
with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 3 people, per
room rates. No extra bed possible.
Three bedroom
Prinzessinnen-Zimmer (Princess bedroom) (with
Altmuhl River view) for 3 people,
with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 3 people, per
room rates
Large three bedroom
Furstenzimmer (Prince's bedroom) (with
Altmuhl River view) or
Renaissance-Zimmer (Renaissance
bedroom) (with
Altmuhl river view) for 3 people (about 45
m²), with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 3 people,
per night
rates Family suite (about 45 sqm, with 2 bedrooms) for 3
people, with telephone, bathroom with bathtub
and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 3 people, per night
room rates
Biedermeiersuite (Nosegay
suite with parlor and bedroom) for 3 people, with telephone,
bathroom with bathtub and private toilet,
including breakfast buffet for 3 people, per night
room rates. No extra bed possible.
For 4 adults and children from 6 to 17 years:
Four bedroom Prinzessinnen-Zimmer
(Princess bedroom) (with Altmuhl
River view) for 4 people, with telephone,
shower and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 4 people, per night
room rates
Large four bedroom
Furstenzimmer (Prince's bedroom) (with
Altmuhl River view) or
Renaissance-Zimmer (Renaissance
bedroom) (with
Altmuhl river view) for 4 people (about 45
sqm), with telephone, shower and private toilet, including breakfast
buffet for 4 people, per night
room rates
Family suite (about 45 sqm,
with 2 bedrooms) for 4
people, with telephone, bathroom with bathtub
and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 4 people, per night
room rates
Suite Ingeborg
for 4 people, with telephone, bathroom with bathtub and private toilet, including breakfast buffet for 4
people, per night
room rates
Bedrooms for 5 or more people are not possible.
Baby and child without extra bed
up to 5 years free of charge in the bedroom of the
parents. You can, of course, if you wish, bring a portable bed with you.
Room service on request.
Check in from
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. or please call the phone number, which you'll receive with the e-mail
confirmation. The reception desk is occupied until 10:00 p.m.
Check out
until 11:00 a.m.
Dog (without food) on
Parking lots The
castle hotel
Altmuhl River valley has about 60 own parking lots. The use of the parking lots is free of
charge for hotel guests. A garage is not available.
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933-egge Schlosshotel Altmühltal
Hochzeit Hochzeitsfeier
Tagungsräume Tagungspauschale
Wandern Wanderkarten
Wanderrouten Wanderwege
Altmühltal Radfahren Radwandern Radweg Radtour
Reitsport Reiturlaub Reiterferien
Minigolf Tennis Kegeln
Golf in Deutschland
Club Golfclub Golfclubs Golfplätze Golfsport Golfreisen Golfhotel Golfshotels Golfplatz
Golfurlaub Golfschule Golfkurse Golfkurs
Sommerrodelbahn Klettergebiet Riedenburg-Prunn im Naturpark Altmühltal
Schwimmen Wellness Wochenende
Thermalbad Therme
Kanutour Kanutouren Kanufahrten Angeln
Kelheim zwischen
Altmühl und Donau Donaudurchbruch
Kloster Weltenburg am
Landkarte 1
Flughafen Flughäfen Deutschland
Landkarte 2 Bayern
Baden-Württemberg Hessen Thüringen Entfernungen
Landkarte 3
München Nürnberg Würzburg Augsburg Rothenburg ob der Tauber Anfahrt
Landkarte 4
Franken Oberbayern Niederbayern
Landkarte 5 Donau
Altmühl Anreise Parken Bahn Bahnhof Zugverbindungen
Non-binding request
Online booking |